السبت، 20 يناير 2007

Abstract: Differentiation for the Gifted

Differentiation for the Gifted in American Islamic Schools

  1. Fatma A. K. Al-Lawati
  2. Scott L. Hunsaker, Associate Professor 
This research focuses on teacher instructional and curricular practices in gifted students' experiences in Islamic schools in the United States. Surveys were administered at private, full-time Islamic elementary schools to determine the extent to which differentiation practices for meeting the needs of gifted students and the integration of Islamic values were employed. Findings suggest that Islamic schools in the United States have limited programs for gifted students. A majority of teachers in Islamic schools differentiate little between gifted and average students in instructional strategies. When differentiation occurs, it is very basic. Further, teachers at Islamic schools generally do not integrate Islamic values into other academic areas and present them to all students without differentiation.