السبت، 28 أبريل 2012

ملخص رسالة الدكتوراه

Exploring Gifted Education Programs, Services, and Practices

in Islamic Schools in the United States


Exploring Gifted Education Programs, Services, and Practices
in Islamic Schools in the United States

Fatma Anwer Al-Lawati, Doctor of Philosophy
Utah State University, 2003

Major Professor: Scott L. Hunsaker, Ph.D.
Department: Elementary Education
The study involved 32 principals and 157 teachers.  Five schools participated in the focus group discussions.  Descriptive statistics were used to report the presence of identification and program services for gifted students and of classroom instructional and curricular practices.  Mean differences, standard deviations, effect sizes, and p values of t tests comparing teachers’ practices with gifted and average students were calculated.  Data from focus groups and principal interviews were analyzed using the qualitative methods of memoranda writing and matrix analyses across and within schools and categories.  
            Findings suggest that Islamic schools in the United States have limited programs for gifted students.  A majority of teachers in Islamic schools differentiate little between gifted and average students in instructional strategies.  When differentiation occurs, it is very basic.  Further, several factors contribute to the general lack of gifted education in the Islamic schools, including conceptual, resource, and organizational issues.  Teachers at Islamic schools present Islamic values to all students without differentiation between gifted and average students.  Although all the Islamic schools were found to value the teachings of Islamic principles to their students,  ,,most Islamic school curricula are not found to integrate these values within content areas.  
This study suggests that Islamic schools should articulate a clear philosophical, theoretical, and practical concept in regard to gifted education, which should be supported by professional development.  Further, Islamic schools’ philosophies should articulate a clear method for curriculum integration that merges secular and religious education.  
  (156 pages)